Hunting is NOT Permitted in Open Space

Hunting is prohibited within or into the boundaries of any City open space area. For Emergencies, call 911.

Volunteers Rock our Trails

Every week, Steve Ioger, Al Dey and a team of Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) volunteers can be found in the City’s open spaces, maintaining and improving trails. Read More!

SCV Hiking Challenge 2024

September 14 - December 31 | Hike 26.2 miles on trails in the Newhall Pass Open Space before the end of the year!

Share Your Open Space

Tell us about your latest experience using the city's open space resources. Share Now!

Interactive Trail Map

The City has launched an interactive map of trails and bike paths. Visit the map or download the mobile version and plan your route today!

Welcome to Hike Santa Clarita

The City's Open Space website is your one stop shop for all things hiking and open space in Santa Clarita. As the weather gets warmer, we hope you will "take a hike" - in the open space, that is!


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Interactive Trail Map

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