This is your land Santa Clarita,
help keep it beautiful!
Volunteer Opportunities
For Open Space and other City of Santa Clarita volunteer opportunities please visit our Volunteer Registration page.
Hosting Events
Looking to host an event in the Open Space? Submit the Special Event Application Form. We will contact you once the application has been received.
Land Donations
Donating land for open space preservation is one of the best legacies a person can leave. Land donation may be the best strategy for those who have purchased land for development purposes but no longer wish to use it; inherited land and wish to be relieved of the burden of taxes and management of the property, or have substantial land holdings. Donations of land provide substantial income tax deductions and estate tax benefits.
If you would like to donate your land to the City of Santa Clarita for Open Space Preservation, please contact Janine Prado, Director of Recreation and Community Services by email or by phone (661) 255-4978.
Partnerships Open City Trails
The City has partnered with a variety of volunteers, ranging from the Mountains and Recreation Conservation Authority (MRCA) to corporate and individual groups to beautify trails and open spaces through tree planting, trash pick up and trail improvements.
If you are interested in volunteering on an upcoming trail or open space project, visit our Volunteer website.