Become a Hike Santa Clarita Trail Ambassador

Residents Invited to Join Hike Santa Clarita’s New Trail Ambassador Program

Nature lovers of Santa Clarita’s open spaces and trails are invited to become a Hike Santa Clarita Trail Ambassador. The Trail Ambassador Program is a free and fun educational introduction to open space and trails for the young and young-at-heart. Ambassadors report trail conditions to the City, sign up for volunteer activities and much more. To become a Trail Ambassador, residents must review the Trail Ambassador Guide and complete the online form provided at the end of the guide.

Trail Ambassadors are enthusiastic advocates of Santa Clarita’s open spaces, willing to share their open space skills and experiences with other hikers and adventurers in the City.  The program is open to all ages and skill levels, and requires ambassadors to complete the Trail Ambassador Guide, an online educational packet which provides information on the City’s open spaces, including its historical, cultural and natural resources and how to protect them. Ambassadors become open space experts for the City of Santa Clarita; knowledgeable in trail etiquette, open space and trail regulations, and native plants and animals.

As a Trail Ambassador, residents can do their part to keep Santa Clarita’s open spaces and trails beautiful and accessible by reporting trail conditions to the City. Ambassadors can also contribute hike reviews and submit open space photos to the City’s Hike Santa Clarita website. Trail Ambassadors automatically receive Hike Santa Clarita’s eNotify email notifications, providing them the latest City open space news and events.

Get more information on the Trail Ambassador Program.


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